7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch (Self Rising Flour)

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

It’s no secret that I’m a HUGE biscuit lover.  So when one of my lovely readers recently asked if I would make 7 Up Biscuits I was more than happy to oblige!

Although I had heard of them, I personally had never tried 7 Up Biscuits until now, but let me tell ya – they are delicious!

Today I’m so excited to share my delicious 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch with you.

These Buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth and they’re incredibly easy to make with 4 simple ingredients and no rolling or cutting required.

If you want to learn how to make them, then keep reading for my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe below, and check out my full step-by-step video tutorial over here.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel here for weekly recipes!

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

7 Up Biscuits (Self Rising Flour)

Unlike most 7 Up Biscuits recipes that use Bisquick baking mix, my 7 up biscuits from scratch version uses self rising flour instead.

While there’s nothing wrong with using Bisquick if that’s what you prefer, I typically don’t keep it in my pantry and personally like to use my tried and true self rising flour when making homemade biscuits.

I also use self rising flour in my Famous 3-Ingredient Biscuits, Red Lobster Garlic Cheese Biscuits, Better than Hardee’s Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits, and Easy Butter Dip Biscuits, and they’re all absolutely incredible!

Are 7 Up Biscuits from Scratch Better?

Yes, I personally think 7 up biscuits made from scratch with self rising flour are better than using Bisquick.

I find that self rising flour gives the biscuits a lighter, fluffier, and more tender texture, and they rise higher than ones made with Bisquick.

It can also be really easy to overmix Bisquick batter which results in dry, crumbly biscuits that nobody wants.

Plus, if you’re like me and never have Bisquick at home it saves you from having to make a special trip to the store. 🙂

7 Up Biscuits – No Rolling or Cutting Required

Another reason this 7 up biscuit recipe is so great is they’re made drop-style with absolutely no rolling or biscuit cutting required!

I use these amazing cookie scoops to drop the dough right in my favorite cast iron pan, and it makes it super quick and easy whenever I want delicious, buttery, soft biscuits for breakfast or dinner.

Ingredients Needed for 7 Up Biscuits

You only need just 4 simple ingredients to make these delicious 7 Up Biscuits.

  1. Self Rising Flour
  2. Butter (you can use unsalted or salted)
  3. Sour Cream (or Greek Yogurt)
  4. 7 Up (or other lemon lime flavored soda)
Kitchen Tools Needed:

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

7 Up Biscuits FAQ’s

What are 7 Up Biscuits?

Like the name says, 7 Up Biscuits are biscuits made with 7 Up or another lemon/lime flavored soda.

What does 7 up do for biscuits?

The ingredient 7 Up does a couple of important things in these biscuits.

First, the carbonation and sugar help create a light, fluffy, and airy texture.

Second, the 7 Up works as a leavening agent just like baking soda would and helps the biscuits rise nice and high.

Are 7 Up Biscuits sweet?

This might be the most shocking part about 7 Up biscuits, but they’re not sweet and honestly taste like any other butter biscuit!

The sugar in the 7 Up melts right into the biscuits making them tender soft, but you can’t even taste it once they’ve baked.

Can you make 7 up biscuits with Sprite or diet drinks?

Yes, you can use Sprite or any lemon lime flavored soda.

I haven’t personally tried using a diet version, so I’m not sure if that would work.

How long will 7 Up biscuits last?

If stored in an airtight container at room temperature, 7 Up biscuits will stay fresh for 2-3 days. After that, I recommend freezing.

How to Store/Freeze 7 Up Biscuits

To Store:

Leftover 7 Up Biscuits should be stored in an airtight container or sealed Ziploc bag at room temperature. When properly stored these biscuits will remain fresh for up to 3 days.

I don’t personally recommend storing in the fridge, since that tends to dry out baked goods more quickly.

To Freeze:

7 Up Biscuits can easily be frozen after baking them.

Once baked, let the biscuits cool completely and place in a freezer safe bag or freezer safe container.

Biscuits can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Once ready to make, bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until they are re-heated.

If desired, you can cover with aluminum foil to prevent them from browning too much on top.

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

How to Make 7 Up Biscuits from Scratch

Step 1: 

Place a cast iron pan in the oven and preheat.

Step 2:

Prepare your biscuit dough by combining flour, butter, sour cream, and 7 up (as directed in recipe card)

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

Step 3:

Pour melted butter into the bottom of the cast iron pan and use a medium or large cookie scoop to drop biscuits into the pan.

Use a pastry brush to coat the tops of the biscuits using some of the melted butter from the bottom of the pan.

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

Step 4:

Bake in the oven until the biscuits are a light golden brown. Let cool and enjoy!

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

 Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch + Video Tutorial


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7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch (Self Rising Flour)

  • Author: Kindly Unspoken
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 18 minutes
  • Total Time: 23 minutes
  • Yield: 714 servings 1x
  • Category: Breakfast, Dinner, Bread
  • Method: Oven, Baking
  • Cuisine: American


Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 


Units Scale

  • 2 cups self rising flour, sifted
  • 1 stick butter, divided (freeze 1/2 stick and grate into dough and melt 1/2 stick and place in bottom of cast iron pan)
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (or Greek yogurt)
  • 1/2 cup 7 Up, Sprite, or lemon lime flavored soda


  • Place cast iron pan in the oven and preheat to 425 degrees F
  • In a large mixing bowl use a box grater to grate 1/2 stick of butter that was frozen for 15 minutes prior, and combine with flour and sour cream. Stir together until evenly combined – it will look like coarse crumbs.
  • Next add in 7 up and mix gently until just combined. Do not overmix. The dough will be sticky.
  • Remove cast iron pan from the oven. Melt remaining 1/2 stick of butter in the microwave and pour in the pan. Use a pastry brush to ensure the butter gets slightly up on the sides of the pan to prevent sticking.
  • Use a medium or large cookie scoop to drop in biscuits into the pan. Use a pastry brush to coat the tops of the biscuits using some of the melted butter from the bottom of the pan. This recipe makes enough for 7 large biscuits or 14 medium biscuits.
  • Bake in the oven for 18-20 minutes or until the biscuits are a light golden brown.
  • Let cool for 5-10 minutes and enjoy!

YouTube video


  • Store any leftover biscuits in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.
  • To freeze, let biscuits cool completely after baking them, place in a freezer safe bag or container and freeze for up to 3 months. To reheat, bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until warm. If desired, cover with aluminum foil to prevent the tops from browning.

Keywords: 7 up biscuits, 7 up biscuits recipe, easy 7 up biscuits, 7 up biscuits self rising flour, 7 up biscuits from scratch, 7 up biscuits sour cream, homemade biscuits sour cream, easy biscuits, 7 up biscuits no bisquick

More Delicious Biscuit Recipes:

Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 

I hope you enjoyed today’s Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch!

Will you give these 7 Up Biscuits with Self Rising Flour a try? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for stopping by! – Cara

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Try my Easy 7 Up Biscuits Recipe from Scratch for delicious and simple homemade biscuits made with self rising flour, sour cream, butter, and 7 Up soda. These buttery 7 Up Biscuits are fluffy, soft, and practically melt in your mouth! 


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